Sunday 24 March 2013

B happy

charlie chaplin words: life laughs at you when you are unhappy. life smiles at you when you are happy. but life salutes you when you make others happy.

Friday 22 March 2013

Phases   of   technology.

Every coin has two phases, head and tail. This theory is applicable on various aspects of life.
When it comes to technology, technology is not a curse if it is utilized on a limited and proper basis. The invention of vehicles gave birth to transportation and travelling in terms of speed and rapid results which in turn saved precious time and money. It bestowed a huge transformation in the human life. The distance which would consume almost three to four days of voyage was possible within three to four hours with the help of vehicles such as cars, busses, trucks, trains, airplane etc. although it has proved to be a boon to us although it has even affected us the other way too. When we throw light on the con’s of the same technology   we identify that these vehicles sometimes even results in hazardous accidents procuring large number of lives on other hand polluting the Mother Nature and creating diseases. In ancient times we were slow but safe, now we might have accelerated through technology, but what’s the use when the same technology is harming us.
When we look at a soldier holding a gun it symbolizes safety and relief to the citizens of the country as it works as a guardian. But if the same gun if unintentionally head offs to a terrorist then it may lead to blunders. Technology has its pro’s and con’s, it is our duty to highlight the pro’s and make the world a better place for living.
It has become an significant component of human race. We are entirely reliant machines so as to can never imagine life without them. We are surround by technology commencing a pin, television, washing machine, computers, furniture’s etc. we are  so dreadfully reliant so that we are grown lazy. 15mins walks are now covered using vehicles. We are failing to be sportive and healthy in confines of technology.
Today’s young generation apt to waste their valuable time on computer games,surfing on social networking sites rather than playing actively on field which helps them to enhance their metabolism and keep them healthy .
Always remember we are the creators of machines so don’t ever the technology take           over.